Rejection can take many forms
. For Tony Shavers III, it took almost every form—from
fighting for his life as a premature baby
, to
being bullied growing up,
to his
father’s absence and struggles with incarceration
, to
coming to terms with his sexuality
without sacrificing his faith. Anytime things were going well, another trial was thrown his way, making Tony wonder if he’d ever feel comfortable in his own skin.
But there’s an opportunity hidden in rejection, for those willing to find it: resilience. With the help of his God-given creative-writing skills, Tony kept meeting his life and finding a way forward. His pen became a tool for healing. Tony wrote his way into a new relationship with the burdens of his name, found new boundaries with his father, and fully embraced his identity. With the hard-won confidence of someone who’s fought to cultivate self-love, this book chronicles one person’s life from a place of empowerment.
Tony Shavers III is vulnerably claiming where he stands, and everything it includes—the good, the bad, and the ugly. He’s inviting you along. Are you ready to meet him there?
© 2021 Tony Shavers III Consulting LLC. All rights reserved.