Tony Shavers III • August 16, 2021
Low self-esteem can affect your confidence, cause you to miss out on opportunities, and make you feel like you aren’t reaching your full potential. However, through guided self-discovery, you can find ways to raise your self-esteem and replace a lack of confidence to be more grounded, connected, and assured.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do you know if you have low self-esteem? If you have been struggling with feeling “less than” for some time, you may think that it is normal to feel the way you do. Of course, everyone’s confidence does have natural ups and downs, but there are signs that you could be suffering from low-self esteem.
Passing up opportunities
Being afraid or feeling unready to take on new challenges.
Sensitive to criticism
When someone says something even slightly discouraging or negative, you may take it to heart rather than trusting your judgment.
Not accepting compliments
Thinking that people are not serious when they compliment you. For example, they just say nice things about me to be polite, and it can’t be true.
Focusing on negatives
Frequently looking at the bad side of a situation. I should have done this; I should have done that; it should be this way; why is this happening.
Ignoring your achievements
Downplaying the achievements you have made. I was only second, not first. When you got a good grade, telling yourself it was an easy class or not the best school.
Thinking other people are better than you
It may seem like the people around you say the right things, wear the right things, and do the right things while constantly questioning yourself.
Exaggerating your mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes, but when you have low self-esteem, even after a minor stumble, you may tell yourself, “I can’t do anything right” or “I’m not cut out for this”.
Setting inflexible “rules”
Do you set rules for yourself based on external expectations of how you “should” be and what you “should do”?
Are you constantly questioning your choices and decisions?
Stuck in your thoughts
Do you often go over situations or your prior actions, wondering how you could have done things differently?
Physical symptoms
Low self-esteem can even lead to physical symptoms such as oversleeping, tiredness, headaches, and even stomach aches.
If some of the signs above seem familiar or strike a chord, you may want to further explore your self-image and confidence. Taking a test to evaluate your level of self-esteem is one way to discover more about yourself.
Self-esteem can change. Your self-esteem has a lot to do with how you see yourself, your opinions, and habitual thought patterns. Making changes to limiting thoughts and behaviors can raise your self-esteem. Your self-esteem may rise and fall throughout your life, but through a process of self-discovery, you can learn to recognize your patterns and adjust your limiting beliefs.
There is no magic pill you can take to heal your self-esteem, but you can do practical and effective things to take action. It takes an ongoing commitment to change and a journey of self-discovery, but it is possible to heal your self-esteem and gain confidence.
There are things you can do to raise your self-esteem and your self-image. It is possible to overcome and to feel more positive about yourself, your abilities, and as a result, what you can do and achieve. Some of the fixes for low self-esteem may seem simple. Still, it is going through the process, changing habits, and focusing your attention differently that makes these simple activities effective.
To make changes and know where you want to go, you have to start where you are. Understanding what motivates you and being aware of your untapped potential can help you set goals aligned with your version of success. Self-discovery can also make you aware of the barriers and stumbling blocks that may be standing in your way. The first step to any project is to gather the tools you need. In the case of self-discovery, reading a self-discovery book or working with a personal life coach can offer valuable support on your journey.
Start noticing your internal conversations. When you have low self-esteem, you may get stuck in a cycle of negative thinking or self-talk. You can change the way you think. It is possible to change your mindset. If you consistently replace negative thoughts that are not serving you with new and positive ones, positive thinking becomes a habit. Positive affirmation cards are one tool that can help you to develop positive thought patterns.
When your confidence is low, it can sometimes cause rumination, circular thoughts that roll around in your head as you think about all the things that could go wrong. These thoughts seldom lead anywhere productive but can take up a lot of your energy and time. When you use worksheets to write out your thoughts, you get your ideas out of your head, allowing you to see them from a different viewpoint or perspective. Self-esteem worksheets are effective because they allow you to see your patterns and thoughts more clearly and objectively. Then, when you have clarity, you can make positive changes.
Once you have a better understanding of yourself and a more positive outlook, it is time to move your focus outward. If you are constantly stressed about your worries and problems, you can get stuck in your head, and concerns can become more significant than they are. When you think about those around you and what you can do to help them, it shifts your attention in a different direction. If you can help someone else or work on a meaningful cause, it can also make you feel better about yourself, further raising your confidence.
If you have low self-esteem when opportunities to grow appear, you may feel like you aren’t good enough or that you don’t deserve them. Maybe in the past, you’ve declined the opportunity to join an advanced study group, to meet up with some new people, or to take a trip to somewhere new. When you have low self-esteem, you limit yourself by sticking to “safe” activities and familiar routines. Ask yourself what the worst thing is that could happen if things don’t work out. If that is something you can handle, you might want to ask why you are avoiding this opportunity.
Many people struggle with their self-esteem and internal limiting beliefs. However, learning to understand yourself through self-discovery is the first step to making significant, long-lasting changes. Using self-help books, affirmation cards, and personal life coaches can assist you on your journey of self-discovery.
When you understand yourself and your motivations, you can build a life centered around your value system. When you are clear on what success and happiness mean to you, it becomes easier to ignore the expectations put onto you by others. When we base our goals and achievements on those that are important to others, even if we reach those goals, they may not satisfy us. Learning more about yourself gives you a firm foundation to build from. Having clarity means that you will gain the freedom to move toward goals and milestones that will ultimately make you feel strong and fulfilled.
Ready for positive changes?
Our personal development coaching programs give you the resources you need to raise self-esteem by understanding your potential and motivations.
Self-Discovery Chronicles is an in-depth look with topical commentary, personal insights, strategies, and practical steps to help you get over self-doubt and pursue your dreams.
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